- PWF是做poultry business业务有
- Broiler Farming (肉雞養殖)
- Feedmill (饲料厂)
>produces around 19,000 metric tones of feed per month
>Production is fully automated
- Breeder farming
> with temperature-controlled and automated feeding & drinking system
- Layer farming
>the farm is mostly automated and equippend with the latest in poultry equipment technology
- Grains,agricultural nutrient trading and repackaging (原產品貿易和農作物重新包裝)
> Mostly grains traded include corn,soybena meal, wheat and corn gluten meal
> Import animal nutrient products,vitamins,minerals,antibiotics and other feed additives from overseas including China,India,Korea,Indonesia and Eastern
Europe and distribute to local livestock and aquaculture industries
FS 分析
- 截至2016第三季, PWF的业绩已经超越去年全年的业绩
- Gross profit margin 8.5%
- Net profit margin 4.2%
- borrowing RM94,XXX,XXX
- Cash and bank balance RM5.6m
- Revenue 比去年同一季高出14.5% 主要是因 increase in both sales volume and selling price of broiler
- Profit before tax高出61% 主要原因是 higher sales volume of broiler and improved profit margin due to higher selling price of broiler and improved performance in layer farm.
- PWF profit高是因为increase in sales volume and selling price, 好事啊
- 从年报可以知道PWF在增加capaicty,有效的控制成本
- weak ringgit will increase cost of import raw material
- Cash and bank balance 全数以马币计算
-Trade payable 10%以美金计算
-PWF是以Hong Kong dollar and USD dollar purchase raw material. For USD dollar,PWF use foreign currency forward contracts to hedge
- 死亡交叉
Commodity price
感想:weak Ringgit will negative impact PWF,cost of imported raw material increase