Quarter report released date: 20 Feb 2017
Well, this company already spotted by many investor due to its strong net profit performance
Hereby provides some link related to Salute business:
1) https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/uncletu2/113059.jsp by 阿土伯
1. 主要涉及在设计、发展和制造消费者电子产品,如蓝牙相关设备,及其他电子产品和精密零件。銷售主要來自歐美、中國、日本、澳洲等海外市場。此外,公司自己也有不断研发自己的蓝牙产品,其中以名为“FOBO" 的蓝牙产品最为成功,进而为公司带来更多的收入。
2. 公司的营业额80%以上以美金交易,欧美主要占据了公司营业额的90%左右。转弱的马币基本上对公司是有利的,但由于公司做了外汇的Hedging, 所以外汇盈利和亏损并不会那么的显著。
3.除了蓝牙产品,笔者认为2017 年公司另一个最主要的盈利推手就是 AIRBAR 的组装生产。主要客户是来自美国上市公司 NEONODE. 笔者认为AIRBAR是非常神奇的电子产品,Airbar 能一瞬间将你普通的电脑荧幕变成 Touch Screen。更多关于Airbar的资料你可以从以下的链接了解。
4. SALUTE 是 NEONODE主要的AIRBAR组装制造商。2016年10 月13日 NEONODE 正式宣布将AIRBAR所有的组装生产制造全全交给SALUTE包办。这无疑对 SALUTE来说是一个非常利好的消息,公司的营业额会更进一步的在2017 提高。
5. 如果您有观察 NEONODE的股价走势,在AIRBAR推出之后的几个月内,其股价在短短的几个月内上涨接近80%~90% 左右。目前为止 AIRBAR也在世界各地的著名网购如 Amazon, BestBuy的网页都能买得到,NEONODE 更在昨天推出了能与MacBook Air 结合的 AIRBAR, 进一步的提高了这产品的市场占有率,也间接性的给予 SALUTE 更多的生意。
6. 除了AIRBAR 的生产线,SALUTE 的第二利好因素就是申请主板转换。其公司在2016 年10 月5 日宣布已申请主板转换,公司过往3年的净利已大致上符合转主板的条件。若一切顺利通过,公司很可能在2017 里完成主板转换。这无疑对公司的股票来说会是另一个强大的催化剂。
2) https://klse.i3investor.com/blogs/gainvestor10sai.blogspot.com/112618.jsp by Gainvestor
Other information
Most of the investor said Salute is good
Of course it draw me attention to see how Neonode business performance
Their revenue decrease QoQ. Airbar related news started to release on Jan 2017 and thus to see the result, we may wait Neonede's coming quarter report.
so I think Salute desired a better result potential due to exchange rate?? May look back their prospectus
- As shown below, higher revenue was due to higher sales (A good factor)
- Operation steadily move to mass production, tapered down fixed cost
- Salute expects to grow and expand in tandem with its customers as they seek to expand their global customer
- What does it means?
- If really Salute high revenue was to due weak Ringgit then maybe next quarter will continue generate a better result, here I provided chart for currency exchange
- This quarter Q2FY17 represent FQ16 (31 Dec 2016), so I think 3 months is start from Oct to Dec (Not sure how to see><)
- If I am corret, the exchange rate between Sept to Dec still consider high, and thus it will continue benefit to Salute
Share price
- RM1.54 (22/2/2017)
- PE: 24.60
- The average exchange rate is 4.32 for last quarter
- Coming quarter maybe range at 4.445
- Coming quarter net profit maybe range at RM10.917mn
- EPS:2.8
- Given PE:20
- Target price:RM1.86
- Return: 19.2%