Quarter report released date: 28 Feb 2017
- Historical PE: 20
- plastics contract manufacturing
- electrical and electronics plastics manufacturer
- more than 250 of the latest injection moulding machines
- workforce of 2,500
- manufacturing of plastic products and moulds, which are predominantly carried out in Malaysia.
Financial Performance
- As shown in diagram, Skpres's revenue already far more high than last year
- To exceed net profit, Skpress still need RM10.757mn for its last quarter,easy job for Skpress according to its past result.
- 欠别人很多钱,TP RM456mn current liabilities
- Short-term borrowing: RM52mn, long term liabilities: RM9mn
- Cash and bank balance: RM38mn
- 2Q TR: RM445mn 3Q TR:RM503mn
- 2Q inventory: RM119mn 3Q inventories:RM141mn
- Strengthen USD dollar will increase Skpress raw material
- Dyson 佔盈利约55%至60%
Share price
- Current share price: RM1.37
- Support level;RM1.31/RM1.29/RM1.26
- Resistance level:RM1.37/RM1.44
- foreign worker problem (now already solved)
- due to lack of foreign worker,and thus labour cost increase
- Dyson contribute most of the revenue(rely on one customer)
- Current revenue full year already reached RM1.3billion, RM1.1billion contract, may not sustain Skpress's share price,if they do not generate other revenue sources
25 Jan 2017
- The research house forecasted this key customer (contribute most at 2Q) to contirbute an even higher protion, circa 72 per cent in FY17
- Currently, has 2 significant contracts from client Dyson worth circa RM1.1billion per annum which will run for another 4-5 years (contract for vacuun and dryer)
24 Jan 2017
- 该公司也正在提升其工程资源,在未来有可能攫取更多主要客户的旗舰产品制造合约。此外,该公司也将在今年年中推出印刷电路板组装服务,这回对其目前的安装、塑胶模型制造以及组装业务有利,因为将省下向外购置电路板成本
- 星光资源也定下每年8%非主要客户销售目标,其业务范畴为塑料模型制造和食品包装部份,该公司有意向其目前主要客户如:索尼、松下、联合利华、雀巢、三得利和蚬壳等增加供应量
- 该公司位于士乃厂房的利用率只有30%,在未来仍可以在增加20条生产线,足以满足其主要和非主要客户需求,在订单增加情况下,预料每年将稳定增加2条生产线
- 维持在净现金的地位。该公司目前的负债并不多,主要是其2400万令吉长期债务,用于士乃厂房建筑费用以及2500万令吉短期债务,用于增设机械和其他资本开销而已
02 Dec 2016
- Skpres 没有及时像马交所报备新的合约,反而是向其他2家证券研究机构发布此消息
- 获主要客户Dyson Ltd颁发一项为期4年,每年5亿令吉或合共20亿令吉的合约,生产一项电子消费产品。
- 这将取消去年5月Dyson颁发每年4亿令吉,生产无线吸尘机的5年期合约,以在政府宣布冻结雇佣外劳后优化有限的劳动资源
- Dyson to increase UK base tenfold as it buys ex-RAF base to satisfy expansion plans
Target price
- RM1.88 (AllianceDBS)
- RM1.1billion per annum, 52% profit margin, RM57.2mn net profit
- EPS:0.047 per year
- RM1.1billion /4 quarter =RM275mn (revenue per quarter)
- RM275mn*5.3% profit margin =RM14.575mn (net profit)
- EPS per quarter 0.012
- Given PE:20
- Share price:RM1.466 (in short term,still need to see whether Skpress get new contract)
- If Given PE lower than 20, Share price is lower than RM1.37