Overall the value of internet retail sales has steadily increased with peaks during the winter season, reflecting sales increase from the holiday season. E-commerce retail sales have been increasing steadily in conjunction with mobile commerce retail sales which are projected to increase to approximately 29.04 billion British pounds by 2018.
英国Top10 电商平台
- Amazon UK
- Ebay
- Argos (英国知名的百货零售连锁商,在英国和爱尔兰经营着800多家商店。)
- Tesco
- Asda ( 阿斯达是英国领先的零售商,由美国零售巨头沃尔玛所有。除了超市销售杂货和各种消费品、服装和家居用品外,Asda还通过其电商平台提供手机销售及金融服务。 )
- Screwfix ( 专业的贸易工具、配件和五金产品的零售商。其在大不列颠和北爱尔兰经营着600多家商店。Screwfix也在网上开展业务,在英国、爱尔兰和欧洲各地提供并配送其产品 )
- Marks & Spencer ( 专门销售服装、家居用品和奢侈品食品,并在英国和爱尔兰均有开展业务。为了进一步发展,Marks & Spencer启动了新一轮的发展,在欧洲和亚洲开设了实体店 )
- Next ( 销售服装、鞋类和家居产品的跨国零售连锁店 )
- John Lewis & Partners ( 高端连锁百货公司,在英国、爱尔兰和澳大利亚有特许经营店 )
- Currys PC World (电器零售商,通过英国和爱尔兰专门销售家用电子产品和家用电器 )
This chart shows the distribution of online buyers in France in January 2017, according to the frequency of their purchases on the internet. It can be seen that about a quarter of e-shoppers bought products or services online two or three times a month, while more than 40 percent of online shoppers made online purchases less than once a month.
1) Amazon法国站
2) Cdiscount ( 类似于零售批发超市 , 本土化程度高 )
3) eBAY
4) 法国FNAC ( 电器产品和文化产品零售商 )
5) Bol.com
6) BingaBinga
7) La Redoute
8) Vente-Privée
9) Net-a-Porter
10) Otto(奥托集团)
11) Allegro
12) Zalando
13) ePRICE